On Demand Learning Library

Committed to building a place for Community Action onboarding and ongoing training across Minnesota.

Community ACtion agencies
Minnesota Community Action Partnership is thrilled to bring new resources and development opportunities to Community Action Agencies across the state.

New Staff Onboarding

Begin your Community Action journey with us. Learn the history and makings of the Community Action network. And for agency leadership and HR professionals, consider our courses a plug and play to your staff onboarding plans.
Our partners contribute to the education cycle, every step of the way.
Your learning, your rules

Making Community Action education our top priority

Flexible Education

We understand the demands of working in your communities for change, the last stress should be accessing trainings and professional development opportunities. Our new platform offers flexibility on your time. 

Independent Learning

Students practice at their own pace, first filling in gaps in their understanding and then accelerating their learning. Pick up courses right where you left off and access tools to help you be the best version of yourself.

Make A Change

We want to make a difference in your professional development and work in Community Action. At Minnesota Community Action Partnership, it's our mission to elevate the Community Action Agencies across the state. 
Write your awesome label here.